Lets talk about noise.

It's time to voice my opinions about noise. The inevitable evil that many photographers believe will destroy the message of their photograph. Nobody cares. Honestly, nobody, apart from us the photography snobs care about noise. I shoot at ISO 6400 (max ISO for my camera) all the time with my D800 and the images look pretty grainy, however what's actually important still remains intact. Noise is natural when shooting in certain environments and it really doesn't do much harm to the image. If your photograph has any chance of being good then trust me, pushing up that ISO another few thousand units won't change that a bit. It's way more important to worry about the how the light hits your subject, how you frame your image, what kind of a pose your model is in etc than worry about technicalities such as ISO. These settings are there to allow you to shoot at different environments so don't be afraid to use them. A little grain never killed anybody.

PS: This little mini-rant was written because I have found that not being restricted by the capabilities of my equipment has allowed for some of the best creative endeavours in my photography. Just felt like sharing as I had five minutes to spare.