Oooooh let me give you a littles spoiler, this was a fun one. Long story short, I got to work with an incredibly talented, young fashion designer with big dreams and aspirations. It's amazing when you get to join up with someone like yourself and create images like these. Not only did we create some amazing images now but meeting these types of people is really amazing for me as an artist as it creates new alleys for collaborations in the future for big, bold, amazing projects. I'm going to share with you three of the images that we created and tell you a little bit about them, if you want to see all of them just stalk Mirjam Kalmann on facebook. I'm sure she'll be putting up the images soon!
"The true work of art is but a shadow of divine perfection." - Michelangelo
This was the first shot that we wanted to get. I thought I'd be all cool and take a big flash from the studio, use a lovely beauty-dish in front of it and create some amazing light. To this day I haven't quite figured out what went wrong with the flash as it worked perfectly fine back in the studio after but long story short, it didn't fire so we had to resort to good old speedlights. They work reasonably well but when it's as bright and sunny outside as it was on this day, you'd ideally want something more powerful. Oh well, you work with what you've got, no use whining about it. As a photographer friend of mine once told me, "I only have solutions, no problems." At the end of the day the shot turned out really well and I am more than happy with it. I'm at a little bit of a turning point right now actually, I noticed that the latest images in my portfolio somehow look more polished than the ones before. I think the main cause of this is the use of more fine tuning, more polishing in post production - it really does add the finishing touches which make an image great, not just good.
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle
I can say without a shadow of doubt, this model is one of the most awesome models I have worked with. Seriously, she's the type of model that thinks faster than you do, the type of model that is doing the thing you were going to tell her to do in 5 seconds. Working with people like her just makes my job so easy, it's amazing. On top of that, you end up with stunning images like this.
"Transformative leader serve a transcendent purpose, pointing the way to a new reality." - Dalai Lama
See I don't do a lot of full body shots like this, usually they're not the most tasteful of shots. This one however, I really like. There's something about it that just works. I think I'll leave it up to you to figure out what it is.