It's been a while hasn't it? I haven't written one if these blog posts since I did my last shoot more than a month ago. I've missed this, I've missed shooting, I've missed creating beautiful things with creative people. Luckily, that's all about to change. I have two weeks left in Belgium until I go to Estonia and those two weeks are going to be packed with one ingredient, awesome.
Some of you may have noticed that I started vlogging recently. I've always wanted to get more involved in making movies and I think this is a really great way for me to start. So far, I've been loving it. I think it's a really neat opportunity for you to see what I do from a different perspective, instead of just seeing the photo and maybe occasionally reading my rambling blog posts, you can also see how these shoots come together and what I do on random Sunday's. It's also becoming a really fun thing for me personally, it's really nice to be able to capture some of the moments in my life on video and to be able to look back on them. In the next two weeks I'm hoping to take you on for a ride to three of my photo shoots, some travelling and of course those random days where I'm up to some cool shenanigans.
Now that it's summer holidays I'm going to be doing photo shoots again at full force. I have three great shoots being planned out right now, one of which I am already shooting tomorrow. When I'm in Estonia I will be doing work experience at a photographer, Kertin Vasser. It's going to be really great opportunity to get some insight into how the photography industry actually functions. Being good at your craft is always just one side of the coin, you also have to be able to make a living off it and this is where I still have a lot to learn. Not only will I be doing work experience but I'm sure Grete and I will come up with epic projects again to bring to life. She's a really creative person and working with her is a blast, I'm very excited to be doing that again.
This weekend I'll be heading to Rotterdam for a little change of scenery with a friend of mine. I love discovering new places and Rotterdam seems to be a really awesome city. Doing that with great people just makes it even better. The week after that I'll be flying off to Estonia. The plan is to stay there for the whole summer but travel around the baltics and Scandinavia from time to time. I'm pretty sure I'll end up in Helsinki a few times for some events and a pretty special project I will definitely talk more about when it will actually start to come together more.
The next two months are going to be some of the most amazing times that I've ever had in my life and I am extremely excited to share all of that through my vlogs and these blog posts. I hope you'll join me on this journey!